Become a Host Company with EazyCity

Our company has strong beliefs in protecting the environment and operate a green policy across our locations.

Who are we?

EazyCity was founded in Ireland in 2004 by co-founders Enrico Zoppi & Julia Lynes, our current team is made up of many international professionals, based in different office locations worldwide. We offer study abroad programs for international students and young professionals who want to improve their skills and experience life abroad.

We partner with companies across Europe and provide them with good interns.

As a company, we hope to inspire people to explore new horizons by living a new life abroad. Investing in living abroad is an investment in yourself.

As part of a Live Abroad Community, our teams have an understanding of how to help and organise the best experience for the applicant.

Who are our interns?

EU Projects

Our applicants are students coming to Ireland as part of European Projects such as Erasmus, Erasmus+, PON, etc. Helping to develop and upskill young minds is one of our goals that the company follows. Recently, there has been an increase in the demand, from international schools and colleges, to organise study or work abroad experiences for their best students. Educational mobility aims to increase young people’s employability and labour market access.

Young Professionals

Undergraduate, postgraduates or independent newly graduates can choose to go abroad and start an internship while becoming familiar with the place, rules, work challenges etc.

Profiles depend on their background and field of study, as well as the familiarity of the language. What they seek is an opportunity to shape their career and become successful while learning from those who have the competence to show them how. Some programmes are funded by college grants, while for others, students may decide to independently invest in their own studies abroad. (most of the time for this, companies might decide that special benefits can be
arranged eventually, that would support the interns while working). The duration of their stay is between 3 to 6 months.

American Students

Our collaboration with different colleges across the United States gives us a wide range of new candidates who are coming to Ireland for an overseas experience as well as to obtain credits for their final score at school. They are in their second or third year of college. This opportunity is a great chance for US students to acknowledge what skills are necessary to work in an international environment with international clients. It will also produce a number of credits that will be added to their final score for graduation. The VISA will allow them to stay in Ireland for up to 3 months to undertake an unpaid work experience

What are the benefits of hosting an international intern in your company?

  • Diversity
  • Different Approach
  • Ambassadors
  • Flexibility
  • Start-ups
  • Productivity
  • Creativity and Competitiveness
  • Win-Win Situation

What does an internship involve?

An internship is a work experience within an organisation or company, that young university students or young professionals take part in, to get upskilled and enhance their CV. Placements can be full or part time for a short term (4 weeks in general) or long term (from 2 to 6 months).

Some traineeships can be 12 months long if requested by the student for a specific purpose. The placement can be unpaid or paid (It is up to the company to decide whether to offer special benefits, like travel cards, meal vouchers, pocket money or other possible alternatives). You will be required to sign some documents and paperwork for their school concerning their training plan.

What is the process?

Step 1

We take care of the screening and we interview all the candidates, and then propose to you with what we believe might be a good asset to your team. You will be sent the CV and details about the duration of the internship and the type of placement is required.

Step 2

If you are happy with the candidate, we will then proceed to confirm the details to all the parties involved (student, school and your company). You can decide either to interview the students or not through skype.

Step 3

On their first day, we will come along to introduce you to the candidate and show them where the company is located and sign the paperwork required.

Step 4

We will be available at any time for support and we will check up with you regularly to ensure everything is working fine for all the parties


We welcome around 5,000 students from all over the world each year in Ireland, Spain, France, Germany, Malta and the UK. View our students interview on our youtube channel

FAQs (Frequently Asked Question)

Yes, they are all insured by their school or their sending organisation
The minimum stay required is 4 weeks but we also have students who stay a bit longer.
Mainly from Germany, France, Spain and Italy. We also welcome US students in spring and summer.
No. All internships are unpaid. A small contribution towards transport is welcome but not required.
Yes of course. We will help you and the intern in case you need our assistance or mediation
For any other queries please contact us [email protected] or [email protected] (our manager)