Guarda questo video per imparare come scrivere correttamente una business email e come comunicare in modo efficace.

Dopo averlo visto, fai il breve test e ottieni il risultato!

Abbiamo preparato un documento con le 20 DOMANDE PIÙ FREQUENTI AI COLLOQUI e degli ottimi consigli per prepararsi a un colloquio di lavoro in Irlanda o nel Regno Unito.

Per scrivere professionalmente il tuo CV ed essere pronto per il tuo colloquio di lavoro abbiamo il servizio perfetto per te, il nostro Job Plan.

Scarica transcript video

Cosa facciamo?

Nota: non ti troviamo un lavoro, il nostro obiettivo è aiutarti a prepararti per il tuo colloquio di lavoro e aumentare le tue possibilità di essere assunto.

Scopri come scrivere un profilo professionale.

Completa questo esercizio leggendo qui sotto e completa le frasi facendo il test (riceverai il risultato via email), buona fortuna!

David Beddingfield

Digital Marketing Manager



Over the past six years I have held various roles in the field of digital marketing and communication and currently lead a small team in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector. I have a proven track record of planning and implementing successful digital marketing campaigns across a range of channels.   



Digital Marketing Manager
Krunch Ltd
Jan 2017 – Present

My role involves strategic focus on all areas of digital marketing within the company and working closely with the main marketing and communications teams. I design and lead all our digital marketing campaigns.

Digital Marketing Executive
Krunch Ltd
June 2014 – Dec 2016

I was responsible for overall social media strategy. I worked on many campaigns to drive engagement with the customers of our breakfast cereals and bars to build brand loyalty. I also led on three key product launches.

Digital Marketing Assistant
Food2Grab Ltd
Sept 2013 – May 2014

In this role I developed my existing knowledge and skills in the fields of social media and consumer goods. I supported the design of multi-channel marketing campaigns to promote brand awareness of our healthy snack range.


  1. Your online profile needs to be concise, engaging and convincing.
  2. State a clear title/role under your name.
  3. Your summary should be in short paragraphs.
  4. Think about who you want to read your profile and write in an appropriate style for them.
  5. Add links to examples of your work if you have them.
  6. Check it carefully and get feedback from a friend or colleague.

Ascolta l'esperienza di studio all'estero di Julie, una studentessa americana che studia a Galway, in Irlanda. Guarda il video e fai il test. Riceverai il tuo risultato via e-mail. Buona fortuna!

1. Leggi l'e-mail qui sotto in cui chiedi aiuto a un altro dipartimento nella tua azienda. Esercitati a migliorare le tue capacità di lettura.

TO:James Forrester
DATE6 November
SUBJECTPossible help with product design

Dear James,

As you know, we have been working on the new perfume that we are launching in April and we are unsure about some of the packaging details. We have seen some of your creative work in the sales department and we think you have a very good eye for detail.

Do you have some time before close of business this Friday to sit down with us and talk through some of our designs? We would truly appreciate your advice on this. It shouldn't take longer than two hours of your time and we would be happy to clear it with Patricia, your department head, if necessary.

Best regards,

Sarah Ford

Head of Department
Product Design

2. Fai il test qui sotto, riceverai il tuo risultato del test e le risposte corrette via email:

A phone call from a customer

1. Ascolta la telefonata di un cliente per esercitarti e migliorare le tue capacità di ascolto.

2. Scarica la trascrizione

3. Fai il test qui sotto. Riceverai il risultato via email.
