The global literacy rate currently stands at 87%, up from 12% in 1820.

Written by Enrico Zoppi

Globally today, there are almost 800 million people who have little or no access to education. Adults and children who do not have basic literary skills. Back in 1820, the world's population from secondary school age onward had a literacy rate of only 12%, according to The World Bank.

In 1900, it exceeded 20%. From the 1950s on, world literacy began to improve significantly, hitting 42% in 1960 and 70% in 1983. Today, the global literacy rate stands at 87%, or almost nine out of ten people worldwide.

Here at EazyCity we believe that education is a basic human right for all and that everyone should have access to. In this big world of ours we also want to do our small part. In the last 18 years we have been promoting study language programs and professional internships to thousands of young European and US students who wish to improve their language skills as well as develop important soft skills, useful for their personal and professional growth.

We care about the world we live in and we would like to share with you these important organisations we find inspiring and motivating:


World Economic Forum

World Bank

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